Selective Process


An Invitation


The abundance of the various accents of spoken Portuguese in Brazil culminates in the voices and dance of PPGDança. We have students from all over Brazil and Latin America. We invite you to study with us and enrich your academic, professional, artistic and/or technical gain with updated pedagogical tools adapted to the reality of dance, promoting a closer relationship between the university and external public. You will study lines of thought that recognize theory and practice as coexisting instances in the process of producing knowledge of dance. You will study (if it is part of your research), an investigative methodology of traditional dances, Indigenous dances and Afro Brazilian dances through a theoretical approach that differs from folklorism and mystification. PPGDança incorporates artistic practices in the development of academic research. This is done through an innovative guided study method of the shared creative processes.




The admission process for the Master’s and Doctorate programs take place annually, with the regulations releasing in October through the following link:

The Master’s program has 25 spots and the Doctorate program 20 spots. Thirty percent of the openings are reserved for quota candidates. There is also a reserve for trans, indigenous and quilombola candidates as well as candidates with disabilities.

The steps of the admission process are the following:


  1. Project proposal for the Master’s program and a project for the Doctorate program

  2. Résumé (Curriculum Vitae for international candidates and Lattes curriculum for Brazilians)

  3. Written exam

  4. Oral exam

  5. Foreign Language Proficiency Test (qualifying exam)


The results of the admission process will be released on the website or by e-mail.


Non-resident international applicants, when admitted, must turn in their CPF (Brazilian Individual Registry Identification), student visa and their National Registration for Foreigners-RNE within a 40-day period after registration. Applicants that are from MERCOSUL countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay) and invited countries (Colombia, Peru and Venezuela) do not need a student visa.


Selection Process

VACANCIES for the master's degree and doctorate degree in Dance/UFBA:


The student's access to the post-graduate program in dance- PPGDança will be given by means of four types of vacancies namely:

Vacancies of wide competition: those that are not subjected to any modality of vacancies reservation;

Vacancies reserved for candidate self-declared black (black and brown), opting for this modality;

Vacancies reserved for candidate self-declared indigenous, Quilombolas, people with disabilities and Trans people (transgender, transgender and transvesties), opting for this modality;

Vacancies for foreign, legislated by own resolution, issued by the Academic Council of Education.

Of the total vacancies offered, 30% will be assured to self-declared blacks (blacks and mules), optants.


The self-declaration will be done at the time of registration of the selective process, in specific area in the form;


The self-declared candidate, who wishes to compete for the vacancies reserved for blacks (blacks and Brown), must confirm his/her condition of opting in the specific area of the registration form;


In the final phase of the selection process, the vacancies of wide competition will be distributed according to the classification of candidates, being assigned indistinctly to optants and not opting until reaching their maximum limit;


If one opting blacks (blacks and mullets) obtains classification that guarantees one of the vacancies of wide competition, she will not be computed to fill the vacancies reserved for this modality;


In case of withdrawal of balck candidate (black or brown) opting selected, the vacancy will be filled by the black candidate (black or brown) subsequently classified, also opting of this same modality; And in the event that there is no black candidate (blacks and mules), opting this modality of reservation of vacancies, approved in sufficient number to occupy the vacancies reserved, the remaining vacancies will be reversed to the wide competition, being Fulfilled by the other candidate approved, observed the order of classification.


The evaluation Committee is composed of PPGDança professors. The selection criteria for admission to the master's degree and doctorate degree in dance follow the Bylaws of the course (available on this site) and the complementary standards for graduate courses stricto sensu of the Academic Council of teaching of UFBA and the UFBA rules.


For foreign candidates:

Step I:

Analysis of pre-project and intent letter, written in Portuguese language;

Analysis of Curriculum Vitae, written in Portuguese language;

Step II:

Interview and oral argumentation of the project, the distance, to be performed through digital plataform.

Proficiency certificate in Portuguese of CELPE-Bras (

Sole paragraph: The proficiency certificate in Portuguese can be delivered to the Graduate program secretary in dance until the end of the 2nd semester of the course.


Evidence and evaluation criteria:

Step I:


Pre-project (Master’s degree) and Project (Doctorate degree):


Pre-projects and Projects must be elaborated containing the following aspects:

Pre-textual elements: cover with identification data of the applicant, project title, desired line of research and indication of 2 teachers for orientation, in priority order, in the desired line.

Attention: It will be up to the PPGDança collegiate, in common agreement with its professors, to check the availability of vacancies of the teacher requested for guidance and define the final distribution of the guidelines;

Textual elements: Presentation and contextualization of the theme to be researched and its articulation with the selected program line; Justification of the relevance of the research for the development of the area, situating the proposed approach and pointing out possible questions related to the research; Objectives Perspectives for the theoretical framework, presenting the main concepts and theories to be related to the research object; Schedule Indication of possible methodological approaches to the proposed research;

Post-Textual elements: List of the ten main bibliographical references and other sources used in the construction of the pre-project.

The evaluation of the research pre-project and of the research project: The selection committee will evaluate its adequacy to the research lines of the program and its cohesion in relation to the aspects indicated for the elaboration of the pre-project and of the project.



Curriculum evaluation: For candidates residing in Brazil, only printed curricula generated by the CNPq Lattes platform in its full version will be accepted and will be analyzed according to relevance parameters between training and performance Professional candidate, his pre-project research and the objectives of the course and profile of the professional to be formed.

For foreign candidates will be analyzed the curriculum vitae, with personal data and the different levels of training already performed, professional performance, artistic production, participation in events and bibliographic production (if any).


Of the evaluation criteria of step I:

The first stage of the selection process is eliminatory, with the following weights and notes as a parameter:


Step I-


Project analysis – Value 10.0;

Analysis of Lattes curriculum and school history-value 10.0.

Minimum Score-7.0.


Step II:


Written exam (not avaiable at the moment, only by digital plataform)


Evaluation: We will evaluate the familiarity with concepts and theories of dance approach as a historical-cultural product and cognitive action of the body, according to the basic reference indicated in the item bibliography of this announcement; Maturity of critical reflection, of argumentative construction on the subject of the test, explored in the specific questions of the test; Wording (linguistic rules), cohesion and textual coherence. Duration: 4 (four) hours.


Interview and oral argumentation about the research project

The interview and Argumentative Exposition will have a maximum of 30 minutes for each applicant, from the beginning of the session. The schedules of each applicant for the interview and oral argumentation of the pre-project will be disclosed in advance, as well as the composition of each examining board. Each applicant should expose his research project orally and answer the questions formulated by the examining board.


The candidate's domain will be evaluated regarding the subject and object of study, domain of specific content of the dance and capacity of argumentative construction and ability to answer the questions formulated by the examining board.

Applicants should have the average above 7.0 (seven) to be considered approved and classified for admission to the master's degree and to the doctorate degree. In the event of a tie, the average of the notes obtained in the second stage of the selection process will be considered as the criterion of the Dedraw.

