
The intention of this master in dance course approaches the body as a field of occurrence of cognition process, communication and evolution. It understands the dance implied in the biological and cultural systems. Thus it can be taken as a privileged field of study, research, teaching, and experimentation in conjunction with knowledge areas directly and indirectly related to such issues.
We aim at the course proposal an intertheoretical character that, welcomes and problematizes the complexity of dance as na autonomous knowledge area, however implied in modes of heteronomy, understood this as codependence of reasons, norms, codes, still who questioned in search of new corporalities, of new modes in dance. Thus the intertheories, the interdisciplinarities that are made in different and triggers ways to dance, analyze and know dance, form a shared thought/action, multifocused and flexible, necessary to knowledge (knowledge as being Creative and moving process).
However, this circuit of affectations doesn’t imply lack of singularities. In the specificities of the program's research lines, in the individual research projects, in the disciplines, in the correlations made, we are a continuous collaborative link between areas and knowledge, for a production of knowledge that couldn’t be performed separately. We therefore seek not to trace empirical peculiarities, without, however, landing to universal forms and reaffirm the need to contribute diferente knowledge areas dedicated to body study, artistic-cultural production , educational and the action of the teaching/learning of dance and its multiple and diverse contexts. 
We propose, in cooperation with this link and interdisciplinary relations, a systematic action in favor of the non-dichotomy realization between theory and practice. The purpose of non-dichotomies between nature/culture, internal/external, emotion/reason, of non-dualism body/mind makes it possible to manifest to the students and to emphasize in the works and in the classes the absence of other dualities. We intend to make evident that, in a reciprocal and simultaneous way, body processes and dance practices and techniques are coactivated. Researches, readings, shows and modes of operating the body, which dance, if Co-afetam. The research lines of PPGDança, the research projects, although in a tentacular range of ramifications, connect in the same root organism of the body-environment relationship in Co- affectation. 
We intend in this master course to note that environment and/or context isn’t just the place where it is or where it is from. Environment (dance environment) and body are continually coevolving, in reciprocal and simultaneous interactions, undergoing transformations every moment, transmitting mutually information. 
The specific objectives are:  
  • Meet the growing demand for titration in the area; 
  • Effectise the dance recognition as an knowledge area whose specificity requires the structuring of a theoretical instrument that, however, articulates with other related knowledge to seek to encompass its complexity; 
  • Promote the insertion of dance as an area of specific knowledge in the flow of new knowledge and those already consolidated that are articulated to subsidize the studies and understandings about the processes of cognition, communication and evolution;
  • To demarcate a specific profile for the course, but which encompasses, with the ability to equate, multiple profiles of artistic, pedagogical and scientific research pleiteantes;  
  • To guide the conducting of research on dance in lines of academic research compatible with the uniqueness of each of them and attention to the knowledge confluence of the complex nature of its organizational mode;
  • Consider any body as a body that dances, no matter what the characteristic, with disabilities or not; 
  • To subsidize the artistic and/or technical academic professional practice in the dance area with theoretical instruments and pedagogical apparatus updated and appropriate to the specificities of the area,
promoting the necessary implication between university and society – as we have developed from the general objective, we intend that academic investigations are compatible with the knowledge confluence that characterize complex organizations. We seek constant updates and relevance of references in the course plans in coadunation with the events that are occurring in the world and in the world of dance. We have in focus that the subsidy to academic professional practices in dance should take into account the indissociability between teaching and research and extension that are distaged in society. This distension is the place of exercise, of the act of implication of one of the most important functions of the university: its relationship, or rather, its recognition that it is part of society. According to the UFBA guidelines it is in this chaining with society that gives meaning to professional practice, including and, of course, dance. As a public instance, PPGDance should seek nothing less than academic excellence and social relevance, in order to demonstrate its commitment to society, with the democratization of access to knowledge and make it possible to ensure that teaching is applied in a way Contextualized, according to the needs of society and also in it seek to intervene with actions, projects, proposals;
To maintain a methodology for the investigation of popular dances, indigenous and Afro-Brazilian by means of theoretical instruments different from folclorisms and mitifications, while signifying stereotypes, superficialities and a colonizing perspective – the Proposition is to read these dances and the present and past history of these, in their broad spectra, as spaces for crossing religious, political, economic, discursive and artistic ideals, in permanent tension and exchanges.

